miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011


Hey Guys! It's Selena.
So i want to talk about my next contest: "Selena Laughtin the history" Yeah, the first 20 comments on my channel, win the prize of watch the first chapter of: "Selena Laughtin the history" on My channel SelenaLaughtinVEVO

It's The premiere.

Anyway, so, it's going to be a Friday, and the chapter on my channel selthereal it's going to be a Saturday.

That's all!


miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011

Selena Laughtin World

Hey All Guys!
Yeah, it's in the morning, well not in the morning yet!
I can't sleep anymore!
So, i'm going to tell about "Selena Laughtin World"

Selena Laughtin World It's my official fan club, you can logg, cause' really soon start the fan club, it's really easy to logg in.

Steps To Logg:
1- Send an e-mail to SelenaLaughtinWorld@hotmail.com
saying your name (no surnames), age, if you are boy or girl, country, and one of your link in a social site twitter, tumblr, youtube, ask.fm, formspring.me...
No Facebook No Myspace

That's All!
Love ya guys!
Selena Laughtin

miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011

"Selena Laughtin BFF"

Hey Guys!
It's Selena Here! I know what your thinking: "Who?!" Yes i don't posted for a long time ago.
And i'm sorry :(
But i'm back, and i hope your enjoying your summer :)
Well, i have news. Today starts my new contest: "Selena Laughtin BFF"
What is about?
The persons who participe in the contest "fights" for have prizes with me and also of me.
Well, the prizes are:
-We make one YouTube channel togheter.
-We make a social profile togheter (example: Twitter: SellyexampleLoverzz) (No Facebook, No Myspace please)
-I subb you with all my channels on YouTube.
-You won an official SelenaLaughtin.webs.com poster with my signature.
-You're going to be the fan of the month of SelenaLaughtin.webs.com.

Well guys, i hope you join on the contest.
How to participe?

Send an e-mail to Selenalaughtinworld@hotmail.com
With the subbject line: Selena Laughtin BFF
You have to put your name (no surnames) age and hobbies.
And if you have YouTube you also can send it with A PM (Personal Message).
Dudes to the e-mail.

If you have any dude or if you want to talk of something private like (My parents don't want to have a YouTube account or any Social account) Send it to: Selenalaughtinworld@hotmail.com
(With your email to participe in the contest)
Email+At finally of the e-mail dudes